Here in the Northeast, we are pretty savvy when it comes to driving in extreme weather conditions. Although we just experienced the mildest January and February we’ve seen in a long time,it’s predicted that as with all good things, this must come to an end. I guess it kinda serves us right for getting all psyched for spring when clearly we have weeks and weeks of winter to go. Don’t think poorly of the weather man, he's just trying to get it right. However, I could do without the endless memes and snowflake icons popping up all over the place. 
Prior to the heatwave we had in January, we took some time to put together a list of things every motorists in NJ should keep in your vehicle in case of an emergency. It should go without saying, but if you don’t have a good ice scraper or brush in your car, they should be number one and two on your list. After that it’s some common sense items and then a few that we feel are necessities.
If you are aware that a winter storm is on its way, make sure you have plenty of fuel, top off your coolant and windshield wiper fluid and check to make sure your windshield wipers are in good condition.
- Flares
- Matches or lighter
- Jumper cables
- First aid kit
- Flashlight + batteries
- Portable charger
- Water
- Snacks
- Blanket
- Gloves
- Bright-colored clothing
One thing my mother, the former Girl Scout leader, would always mention was to have an empty soup or coffee can, a small votive candle and a way to start a fire. She claimed that if the temperatures got bitterly cold the heat from the candle inside the can would provide enough heat to make you comfortable for a short period of time.
It’s always good practice to have these supplies in the car, no matter what the season. Being prepared can certainly help in emergency situations.
We want our clients to always be safe, and if you are ever in an emergency situation our lines are open 24/7 to help assist with towing and getting you into a safe environment.