Posted on 6/22/2020

ROUTINE MAINTENANCE Taking care of your car and getting routine maintenance and repairs on it is definitely like going to the doctors. In the respect that if you don’t take care of your body, it’s not going to work the way it should. Same for your vehicle. DOCTORS FOR YOUR CAR Choosing the right auto technician is like choosing a Dr. You want someone who is going to listen to your symptoms, make you stick out your tongue and say ahhh, notice if your blood work is where it should be, look, run test and understand what it is that you are experiencing and then, make a diagnosis and suggest a plan of action. So, I’m taking the magician hat off for a minute and pulling out my charts and stethoscope on your vehicle and together with you, we will come up with a plan. IT'S NO SECRET The super cool thing about your car, is that they guys who made it, gave you a little book, yup don’t believe me, look in ... read more