Posted on 12/21/2022

Here's a guy you might recognize, This is Adam Winget, he's been working here with us at Automotive Magic since 2020 (his senior year in high school.) He began working with the technicians and performing quality control inspections on the vehicles, which included the "Magic Touch" wiping down the interiors and giving the windows a little shine before returning it back to the client. Adam has always paid a lot of attention to detail and is a bit of a perfectionist. That's why he's transitioning into the marketing department here at Automotive Magic. With his creativity and eagerness to learn, we feel that this will be a great move for him. He hopes to own a business of his own in the future. Adam loves taking photos and traveling and has just returned from a cross-country adventure with his brother and sister-in-law. He enjoys spending time with his friends and family and loves being outside and active. From hiki ... read more
Posted on 12/20/2022

2017 Ford Fusion with multiple different electronic issues, from lights and dashboard not working, radio acting weird, and many little random glitches that don't add up. Our technician was able to diagnose the issue and deemed it to be CAN bus-related. These issues are normally very difficult to diagnose or even impossible for some without proper training and experience. These days, all modern vehicles, from conventional combustion-powered cars to the latest EVs, feature a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. It's the electronic communication system that lets everything be able to talk to each other including the engine, transmission, body control, and even brakes. It works the same way a computer communicates with its own parts, with 0's and 1's. Literally, multiple pulses or pauses of electricity (0110101001) just like Morse code. Computers are ab ... read more