Automotive Magic is always working toward ways to improve your customer experience. We know that you are busy and we understand that you may not have the time in your day to give us a call to schedule your service appointment. We want to help you and make it smoother for you, so we’ve found a way to help. We want to introduce you to our new virtual assistant Chatbot, Otis. Otis can help you with a variety of things, located right at the bottom of our website, all you have to do is ask, and Otis will help you along. Here are some of the types of things Otis can help you with.
Anytime is a good time for Otis
Have you ever thought it’s too late or too early to call a friend or family member? Have you missed out on making an appointment because the day has completely disappeared and now it’s after business hours? Well, Otis doesn’t have a 9-5 position, in fact Otis is working 24/7 so that you can have immediate support.

Otis can access our appointment calendar
All you have to do is ask, and Otis can let you know when appointment times are available so that you can pick what suits your schedule best. By just providing your basic information Otis will have you set up in minutes.
Otis loves to shop for tires
Shopping for tires isn’t exactly fun, but everyone wants to know that they are getting the best deals on tires possible.
By telling Otis the detailed information about your tires, he can instantly provide pricing on tires available to you from Automotive Magic and you can shop for something a little more fun.
Otis is a little detective
If you are experiencing something wrong with your vehicle, be it noise or vibration, all you have to do is explain what your vehicle’s symptoms are and Otis can put together a service estimate for you in real-time. This will give you an idea of how much the repair may cost and allow you the convenience of budgeting for it.
If you are worried that Otis is taking over the role of our expert professionals in the shop, don’t you worry. Otis is an added bonus to our team. You can rest assured that Automotive Magic’s team is always striving to provide the absolute best for our customers. Give Otis a try the next time you have a question, and as always you can contact us any time.