Posted on 6/28/2022

Did you know that your vehicle is not a crock pot? Yes, of course you did! Your vehicle is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of thing. This blog's topic for the Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber is the importance of routine oil changes. When you talk to anyone at Automotive Magic and Magic Lube and Rubber, we will unequivocally preach the good word of routine oil changes! “Why do we want routine oil changes?”, you may be asking. “They are just trying to get more money from me, it’s a racket in the auto industry,” you may be thinking. This couldn’t be farther from the truth. When you change oil at the recommended intervals, with oil that meets or exceeds the manufacturer's specifications, you will extend the life of the engine and increase its efficiency. Right after an oil change is the closest you will get to the brand-new, right-off-the-lot feel of driving. Your engine has full power as the oil lubricates all the moving parts ... read more
Posted on 6/4/2022

Tyler Zehnbauer is our newest team member and technician here at Automotive Magic. He's a graduate of Warren County Community College's Automotive Program. He brings with him seven years of dealership experience. Tyler’s our “Honda” guy. If you have a question about your Honda vehicle, his seven years of dealership experience dedicated to just Honda's can set your mind at ease, that he's the right technician to see. He is ready to meet all your automotive needs. He's eager to tackle any job big or small and prides himself on taking each one through to completion with perfection. Tyler is from Hackettstown, NJ where he currently lives with his girlfriend Courtney and their four dogs Ruby, Tyke, Riley & Gunner. Tyler loves to work on all things mechanical. When he's not working on a vehicle, he's out fishing, riding on his quad, or hitting the open roads on his motorcycle. He also enjoys whipping up a little magic of his own in the kit ... read more
Posted on 4/11/2021

We can definitely say that we had what many consider a “real” winter this year with the cold weather, snow, and ice. One of the impacts of multiple snowstorms is that the potholes in the roads that are created by the ground freezing and thawing, salt and brine solutions being applied to the road service, and the plows that move the snow off of the roads keeping a safe driving environment. Now is a great time to have your vehicle’s suspension looked over. The suspension components that can be affected by these harsh winter roads are the vehicle’s shocks, struts, ball joints, and steering components. This winter driving could have also affected your vehicle’s wheel alignment and as simple as losing a weight that keeps your tires balanced. At Automotive Magic we have the equip ... read more
Posted on 8/23/2020

What to do? There are so many deals going on right now for new vehicles it’s pretty tempting to go ahead and make the plunge into buying a new vehicle. The cash for clunkers offer seems to have reinvented itself in our area. Trying to convince those of us driving older vehicles to get them off the road and put the new ones on it. Getting some cash in your pocket in return for them removing what seems to be a headache now may seem like a win/win situation. Buying New Committing yourself to nearly a decade of payments for a new vehicle could be an option you are willing to make. There can be an uncomfortable amount of stress tied to either of these options. Getting some professional guidance along your journey might take some of the weight off of your shoulders. There are a lot of things to consider when you are making these decisions. The new car smell of the interior, the shiny new paint job. It&rsq ... read more
Posted on 7/24/2020

WHO'S LOOKING OUT FOR YOUR SAFETY WHEN IT COMES TO YOUR VEHICLE? So you were most likely taught to look both ways before you cross the road. Tie your shoes so you don’t trip. Your parents instilled in you the importance of safety, and warned you of the dangers that might fall upon you if you didn’t take precautions. VEHICLE SAFETY So here we are in 2020 relearning to wash our hands, cover our mouths and keep our distance. These are all steps to keep ourselves safe and they all seem a little deja vu-ish if you ask most people (mama told you so.) In New Jersey the state used to require safety regulations to enforce Mama’s fine and early teachings. They were imperative for you to be able to pass NJ state inspections. If your vehicle fell short of the requirements they slapped a big red rejection sticker in your windshield.. Ever present are long lines as the ... read more